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Windows 10 open command window here as administrator free download -
Oct 05, · In order to “open Command Window here ” with administrative privileges you can download the following file. Open Command Window Here (Administrator) to context ( bytes, 11, hits) This will add a context menu option for the admin command prompt. How to get back Command Prompt in Win+X menu? Jan 25, · Download Now. This Microsoft PowerToy for Windows XP adds an Open Command Window Here to your context menu. Installation is quick, and within minutes you can easily open a command window from any Subcategory: System Utilities. Jun 13, · This is just like the Open Command Window Here context menu item, except that it opens an elevated "run as administrator" command prompt at the library, folder, or drive location instead. When added, you can right click on a library, folder, or drive to see the Open Command Window Here as Administrator context menu will then be prompted by UAC to click on .
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